Your Biggest Pet Peeve According To Your Zodiac

Your Biggest Pet Peeve According To Your Zodiac | Hello Molly

Your Biggest Pet Peeve According To Your Zodiac

So you loved our 'What to do and not to do' while dating each member of the astrological zodiac... but do you really know what makes them tick, and how they respond when they're really pent up? Here's all those pet peeves depending on your sign of the zodiac. 

Aries: March 21-April 19

"They detest passive aggressiveness"

Particularly they hate it when people don't vocalise their grievances openly. The ram is not a sign of patience, easily frustrated by delays, red lights, anything that keeps them waiting and holding them back. Direct and to the point, an Aries cannot stand sitting idly and have to take action. Their bullheadedness leads to their greatest trait: honesty... so, any passive aggression infuriates the typical Aries. They know when someone is bull sh*tting and WILL call you out on it. An Aries sees it as a form of lying, and would much rather have a big fight and then kiss and makeup. It would at least be interesting and cathartic. Stagnant negativity also annoys an Aries to no end. 


Taurus: April 20-May 20


"Impracticality? What is that?"

If you lack common sense, then walk away because the stable, pragmatic Tauraus got no time for that BS. It's not that the Taurus isn't interested in dreaming big, it's more than that. A Taurus thrives on schedule from the meeting time, having everyone's contacts in their phones- all the fine tune nit bits that goes into a big idea. They are the girls who will literally take the reins when planning a girls' brunch. True bulls pride themselves on the quality of their work and deem planning a necessary step. The flip side is that their grounded personality will disdain from those who just 'wing it'. This includes peeps who can't read a map, who have phones that always die and people who don't look both ways at a traffic light. People who don't share the concept of self-sufficienty just rub them the wrong way. 


Gemini: May 21-June 21

"I can't choose right now! Don't force me!" 

The Gemini girl experiences the FOMO feeling in all forms, from a night out on the town, a career opportunity to experimenting with that new pasta dish they didn't order last minute. With so many experiences and things to focus their energy on, the Gemini girl's easily distracted and unable to settle on one topic for too long. They are pros at multi-tasking. E.g., they can literally finish the task they were working on, but a bestie texts them. They could finish texting that person back, but the work email they just received takes priority. Anything that resolves a Gemini missing out on something just gnaws at them. Their natural curiosity feeds their desire to experience it all! Here's some advice to our Gemini sisters- find an app that blocks your fave websites for a set time period so you can finish the task at hand! 


Cancer: June 21-July 22

"When people stomp on their kindness" 

Don't take a Cancer for granted. The Crab is one of the most caring signs in the zodiac, so it bothers them when so much of their kindness is met with indifference or apathy. They'd give you the moon for a thank you. Any lack of appreciation makes the Cancer feel unloved unwanted and drained... and honestly, it makes you look like a massive ... well... butt hole. Their love and support comes free because they want to. Use this as a reminder to send your Cancer bestie a virtual kiss or hug! 


Leo: July 23-August 22

"The Leo needs a voice. They need to speak out" 

The Leo is a born leader and spokesperson and they ain't afraid to express their opinions. Naturally, they have a little bit of a chip on their shoulder when it comes to authority- being told what to do, having their rules questioned and being forced into a secondary role. (As a Taurus living with a Leo, I can attest this is 100% accurate). Bad leadership skills will frustrate the proud Lioness, who understand the importance of leading with a good conscience and optimal skill. Since they prefer to do things their way, they hold disorganised, weak-willed bosses in low regard- this can translate to friendships and relationships, which often causes some tension. However, nothing rubs them the wrong way more than being represented by someone who doesn't deserve it. A Leo is in charave of their fate- needing to make their own decisions surrounding their ideas, image and work. 


Virgo: August 23-September 22

"Incompetence... urgh"

The meticulous, hard-working Virgo often hold themselves and others in high standards... but when they're met with disappointment, prepare for the moody silent treatment. They're biggest pet peeve is when people who don't pay attention, and then ask the same question that was just answered. To a Virgo, it's frankly annoying for them to see poorly done work or any kind of thoughtlessness, whether it be in a career or a simple thank you note. Virgos are highly considerate and caring people- all they ask is that you respect, and reciprocate their efforts. 


Libra: September 23-October 22

"Any tactless, pointless arguing"

Okay, to our Aries babes you may way to pull back on the temper tantrums because this mild-mannered girl hates confrontation. Librans are the peacekeepers, and hate being put on the spot. While a Libra loves an intellectual debate, they're not interested in gossip, drama or any argument where the unspoken goal is to make the other party feel like the dumbest person in existence. Keep the negativity to yourself because the Libra is having none of it! 


Scorpio: October 23- November 21

"Girl why are you so flaky?"

No not that kind of flakiness. We're talking about flimsy people with flimsy opinions who make flimsy commitments. The Scorpion feels in extremes... it's love or hate, unless you're just too boring for them to care. Yeah, it seems harsh but the Scorpio loves mystery and going all the way. Their commitment is their most impressive trait! They're not interested in playing devil's advocates... they're all for putting up real fights for honest opinions. If you can't give them brutal honesty, then you can say goodbye. A Scorpio will openly surround themselves with people with strong beliefs, devoted friends and romantic partners who won't jerk them around. 


Sagittarius: November 22-December 21

"Dishonesty is their demise"

Above all, the Sagittarius is honest, brutally so. Does it get them into trouble? Yeah, duh! Would they choose an alternative? F*ck no! Nothing holds them back and the Archer would want to hear what you really think too. Never say anything for their benefit if it isn't your true opinion. They'll view you as a suck up or a coward. Is it always the right thing to do?... well no, but it's something to keep in mind if you want to get on the good side of a Sagittarius. 


Capricorn: December 22-January 19

"People who pose themselves as experts on a subject they have little to no knowledge of"

The grounded, earthy and practical Capricorn finds flamboyant cockiness unbearably childish and embarrassing. However, when if it also comes with arrogance, than you can expect the mermaid goat's sharp, quick tongue. Capricorns hold great respect for well-informed individuals, tried and tested authority figures. Caps aspire to greatness, appreciating the hard work of those who've climbed their proverbial mountain to get there. So anything like 'preaching' from beginners and laymen seriously grates their nerves- presumptouness is just too irritating! 


Aquarius: January 20-February 18

"Selfishness? Move along"

The water bearer are invested in the community and friendships. They are idealists, caring about humanity and often speak up for the common good... so, of course, these kind-hearted souls detest those who place the benefit of the individual over what would be best for everyone. I.e., people who aren't practising social distancing, people who don't pay attention to human rights issues people who don't care about the environment etc. 


Pisces: February 19-March 20

"Your 'accidental' rude comment or 'just a joke' or 'you need a thicker skin' can take a hike"

Pisces are the sign that embodies sweet love. They are masters of reading people. As a result, they knowthe only way to work through a personal issue is to confront the emotional centre of a issue- those nitty gritty 'he said, she said' details. They will strive to find the root of a problem to close a divide, using opening liners lie "I'm hurt because...." Pisces has little to no patience for nonchalant cruelty, and no respect for those who push themselves around, and bully others to get their point across. They will take you down a peg or in reality five.